NorthShore Slavery


Pierce, and Aphia French, Apr. 7, 1772.*

Apphia, and John Newton, int. Mar. 27, 1802.


Hanah, and William Hacket, Dec. 9, 1708. NCTBK*

Henry, and Ruth Morrill, Feb. 2, 1709-10. NCTBK*

Richard, and Dorethy Hoyte, Jan. 1, 1718-19. NCTBK*

Ruth, and Rice Edwards, Dec. 12, 1720. NCTBK*

Hannah, and Simeon Brown, Mar. 13, 1729. NCTBK

Ichabod, of Kingston, and Betty Gatchel, int. Sept. 13, 1746.

Dorothy, of Kingston, and Thomas Thompson, int. Dec. 15, 1759.

Thomas, of Newburyport, and Abigail Wadleigh, int. Sept. 22, 1778.

Benjamin [of Amesbury. int.], and Elizabeth Eastman, Oct. 26, 1780.*

Benjamin, and Sarah Wingate, "and the said Sarah declared that she had no Estate that was her late Husbands Jonathan Wingate and the cloathes She had on were borrowed cloths. " Apr. 13, 1788.*

Rebecca, and Benjamin Evans, jr., May 24, 1806.*

Benjamin, and Nancy Waite of Amesbury, int. Nov. 24, 1821.

Thomas, and Mary Flanders, Jan. 27, 1822.*

Joseph, and Sally Carr, Feb. 12, 1833.*

Thomas, and Eliza Worthen, Aug. 25, 1840.*

Mary E[lizabeth PR51], a. 18 y., d. Thomas and Mary, and Orlando [Sargent. PR51] Morse of Amesbury, a. 21 y., cordwainer, b. Amesbury, s. John and Dolly of Amesbury, Oct. 10, 1849.*