NorthShore Slavery


_____, John, Bur. May --, 1735. PR2

FROST, John, bur. Dec. --, 1736. PR2

_____, Sarah, sudden, Aug. 25, 1775, a. abt. 50 y. CR5


_____, Quash, servant of John WAinwright, Esq., at Chebacco, 27: xbr: 1721.

_____, Hannibal, servant of Francis Crumpton, at Chebacco, Aug. 23, 1724.

_____, Febee, belonging to Mr. Wigglesworth, bur. Nov. --, 1725. PR2

_____, Pesillar, belonging to Nathaniel Emerson, bur. Nov. --, 1725. PR2

_____, Quammany, servant of Mr. Thomas Boardman, at Chebacco, Feb. 7, 1728.

_____, Rose, servant of Mrs. Hannah Crompton, Jan. 10, 1731.

_____, Tom, servant of Mr. Benjamin Crocker, Mar. --, 1731.

_____, Jane, servant of Mr. James Browne, Mar. 7, 1731.

_____, Jacob, servant of Col. John Appleton, Aug. 9, 1733.

_____, Thyris, woman servant of Thomas Berry, Esq., Jan. 30, 1736.

DICK, Peter, "negro man of Jonathan Wade, Esq.," July 20, 1736.

_____, Phillis, "negro child of Mr. Joseph Abbe," July 28, 1736.

_____, _____, "Jno Graves Negro child," Sept. --, 1739.

_____, Jupiter, Jan. --, 1747.

_____, George, servant of Maj. Appleton, May 9, 1748.

_____, Dinah, servant of Col. Appleton, Jan. --, 1750.

_____, Ester, servant to Increase How, Oct. 13, 1751.

_____, BROWN, Sarah, d. Benjamin, Nov. 5, 1759.

_____, _____, "boy belonging to John Fowler," Apr. --, 1767. CR3

_____, _____, inf. ch. Dill, --- --, 1771. CR4

_____, Cuff, servant of Joseph Andrews, fever, Jan. 25, 1773, a. abt. 55 y. CR4

_____, Dinah, "a free Negro," malignant fever, Nov. 27, 1773, a. 27 y. CR5

_____, Cato, servant of John Dean, nervous fever, Feb. 24, 1774, a. 32 y. CR5

_____, Judith, servant of Jonathan Cogswell, canker, Nov. 22, 1774, a. abt. 29 y. CR4

PERVIDDY, _____, ch. Peter, rickets, Jan. 20, 1777, a. 10 m. CR5

_____, Cuff, dropsy, Sept. 10, 1777, a. 18 y. CR5

_____, Nance, belonging to Col. Cogswell, Oct. 21, 1777, a. "upwards of" 70 y. CR4

STORY, Abijah, in the army, --- --, 1778. CR4

_____, Prince, "a free Negrow," chronic disorder, June --, 1779, a. 45 y. CR5

_____, Floro, servant of Wid. Patch, July --, 1779, a. 60 y. CR5

_____, Prisca, servant of Jacob Goodhue, Feb. 14, 1781, a. abt. 76 y. CR4

_____, Titus, servant of Col. Jonathan Cogswell, fever, Aug. 14, 1783, a. abt. 65 y. CR4

_____, Hagar, w. Plato, dropsy, Nov. 17, 1783, a. 68 y. CR5

CHOAT, Jane, dropsy, Nov. 27, 1784, a. 44 y. CR5

CHADWICK, John, July 6, 1785, a. supposed 80 y. CR5

NEDSON, Flora, w. Titus, fever, Dec. 23, 1785, in her 62d y. CR4

_____, Violet, "a Negro woman," Apr. 14, 1786.

ELLORY, Fortune, "a Negroe Man Drowned," Aug. 29, 1786.

_____, Scipio, servant of John Brown, old age, Nov. 7, 1787, a. 80 y. CR5

_____, Rose, "belonging to Mrs. Rust, died suddenly, found dead in Bed," Nov. 22, 1787.

_____, Newberry, servant of Capt. Richard Homan, Aug. 19, 1788.

SMITH, Caesor, "a Negro Man," May 19, 1789.

NEDSON, Billy, s. Titus and Esther, fits, July 10, 1792, a. 2 y. 11 d. CR4

STANIFORD, Jane, "a Nero Woman," Mar. 29, 1794.

NEDSON, Samuel, s. Titus, fever, Jan. 9, 1795, in his 8th y. CR4

_____, Pomp, "a Negro Man Executed for murdering Capt. Furbush of Andover," Aug. 6, 1795.

_____, _____, d. Peter and Kate, sudden, Sept. 2, 1798, in her 17th m. CR4

_____, _____, "a Negro Man Died in Goal," Aug. --, 1800.

CHOATE, Ned, "a Negro man," Sept. 27, 1800, a. 90 y.

_____, Titus, formerly Servant of Francis Choate, Esq., Oct. 13, 1800.

GOODHUE, Peter, s. Peter, Apr. 1, 1802.

HASKEL, _____, ch. Cato, at the poorhouse, Oct. --, 1802.

LEWIS, Charles, "murdered on the North Common Fields, by Cato Haskel," Oct. 9, 1802.

_____, _____, ch. Garrett, bur. Feb. 11, 1804. CR4

LEMON, _____, ch. Joseph, bur. Feb. 7, 1805. CR4

STORY, _____, ch. Jethro, bur. Feb. 9, 1805. CR4

_____, _____, ch. Charles and Kate, Jan. 4, 1806. CR4

STORY, _____, inf. ch. Jethro, Feb. 17, 1806. CR4

_____, Dinah, bur. Apr. 11, 1806. CR4

_____, Dimon, formerly servant of Capt. Richard Homan, Nov. 2, 1808.

SAFFORD, Pamelia, d. Prince and Kate, "drowned in the River by Peirces Lot (so called) Sunday, attempting to Wade over the river," July 23, 1809. [a. 22 y. CR1]

LANE, Francis, "a boy of Coular Living with Revd Doctr Dana," Sept. 18, 1809.

SAFFORD, Venus, d. Prince and Kate, Oct. 9, 1809. [a. 26 y. CR1]

HASKEL, _____, d. Neal, deceased, Aug. 17, 1810.

LEWIS, Peter, consumtion, Nov. 2, 1810, a. 20 y. CR4

CONWAY, Cesar, consumption, July 8, 1811, a. "supposed" abt. 70 y. CR4

_____, Taff, "found dead in the House," Jan. 9, 1812, a. 50 y. CR4

LEMONS, _____, ch. Joseph and Peggy, dropsy of the brain, Oct. 23, 1812, a. 11 w. CR4

HALL, Charles, suddenly, Apr. 4, 1813, a. 43 y. 10 m. 3 w. 3 d. CR4

ADAMS, Sylva, June 13, 1815, a. 22 y. CR1

ADAMS, _____, ch. Sylva, June 16, 1815, a. 6 d. CR1

HASKELL, Daniel, "a mulatto," May 4, 1816, a. 20 y.

SAFFORD, Reuben, June 14, 1816, a. 31 y. [a. 33 y. CR1]

_____, _____, ch. _____, at the poorhouse, June 5, 1817, a. 8 y. CR1

MORRIS, Comano, at the poorhouse, Mar. 10, 1818.

TAYLOR, _____, Mrs. Nov. 18, 1820, a. 40 y. CR1

GLOSS, Judith, w. Abraham, Dec. 27, 1820. CR1

_____, Binah, "a coloured Woman," Mar. 25, 1826.

_____, James, "a coloured man, in the House of Correction," Nov. 7, 1831.

SAFFORD, Prince, Apr. 10, 1832, a. 87 y. [a. 89 y. CR2]

CHEEVER, Dinah, Feb. 16, 1833. [a. 79 y. CR1]

SAFFORD, James Augustus, s. James, Feb. 5, 1835, a. 10 m. PR3

SPRINT, _____, ch. William and Hitty, Apr. 26, 1836, a. 2 d. PR3

DURGEN, Betsey, "at the House of Correction," Nov. 1, 1836., a. 63 y.

_____, Peter, at House of Correction, bur. Oct. 9, 1838. PR3

GROVE, Nancy, a Coloured Woman, Feb. 23, 1843, a. 77 y. [a. 80 y. PR3]

SPRING, Mehetebel, w. William, cancer, Jan. 19, 1847, a. 50 y. [a. 48 y. CR2]

SAFFORD, Mehitable S., d. James and Peely, Dec. 24, 1849, a. 20 y.

Surname Missing

_____, _____, "a Boy Who lived at Mr. Taylor's," Apr. 9, 1795.

_____, _____, "a Vessell cast away on the Barr belonging to Brunswick, all the People on board perished," Nov. 7, 1802.

_____, Dinah, old age, at the poorhouse, July 31, 1804, a. abt. 102 y.

_____, _____, "One other Vessel belonging to Kittery cast away on Ipswich Barr, in the same Storm, People all perished, 7 in number," Oct. --, 1804.

_____, _____, "five men taken out of a Vessel cast ashore on Plumb Island drowned in a Violent storm, the Vessel and people belonging to Kittery," Oct. 9 and Oct. 13, 1804.

_____, _____, Bonny, at House of Correction, Jan. 22, 1805.

_____, _____, Sally, "an insane woman in the House of Correction," Jan. 16, 1806.

_____, _____, "a Man unknown was taken up at the south end of Plum Island supposed to be drowned," Aug. 20, 1824.

_____, _____, inf. ch., at the poor farm, bur. Dec. 22, 1827.

_____, _____, "A man, being unknown, was found drowned in Ipswich River," July 20, 1831.

_____, _____, inf. [male] ch., "found dead," July 27, 1831.

_____, _____, "a Foreigner, died in Jail," Dec. 1, 1832.

_____, _____, Daniel, insanity, Aug. 29, 1849.

_____, _____, Betsey, insanity, Nov. 9, 1849.