NorthShore Slavery


Jonathan, b. June 5, 1802, d. Nov. 29, 1837. GR9


_____, w. William, "a Foriner," June 16, 1817.


John L., h. Mary S. (West), "drowned in the River," Oct. 2, 1833.

Mary, w. Thomas, Apr. 13, 1836.


William H., of Newburyport, "at Nathan Websters," Sept. 18, 1830, a. 24 y.


William, m., drowned, Sept. 17, 1828.


Martha Ann, d. Leonard, of Bradford, Aug. 23, 1834.


John Adams, s. John, Esq. and Elisabeth, Sept. 4, 1790, a. 1 y. 2 m. GR1

John, Esq., h. Elisabeth (Duncan), July 7, 1791. [July 6, a. 36 y. GR1]


Sarah Bradly, d. Abijah and Susan (Bradley), July 3, 1826.

Irving Allison, s. William and Sarah A., Aug. 1, 1845, a. 2 m. GR6

Sarah A. Allison, w. William, June 18, 1846, a. 29 y. 10 m. GR6

THOMPSON (Tompson)

Susanna, d. Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1749-50.

Sophia, w. Moses, July 29, 1832.

James, Apr. 22, 1840. [Apr. 21, a. 48 y. GR1]

Mary Ann, d. Stephen and Elizabeth, consumption, June 14, 1844, a. 15 y. 6 m.

Mary E[lvira. PR39], unm., d. Samuel and Alice, typhoid fever, Oct. 2, 1848, a. 23 y. 2 m. 11 d.


Lemuel, father of Thomas M., Sept. 11, 1836.


Wilder, s. Caleb and Ruthy, Dec. 10, 1808, a. 20 m. GR1

Caleb, brother of Wilder, Feb. 5, 1834.

Mary, d. Caleb, Feb. 24, 1834.

_____, inf. d. Cephas and Harriet (Nichols), Apr. 9, 1835.

Lois (Carleton), w. John C., Sept. 28, 1841. [a. 19 y. GR1]

George Washington, s. John C. and Eliza A. (Brown), Apr. 2, 1843. [Apr. 5, a. 1 m. GR6]

Nancy J., d. Jonathan and Polly, b. Andover, NH, fever, Dec. 7, 1844, a. 10 y. [a. 9 y. 6 m. GR7]

Charles W., s. William and Elizabeth, Apr. 19, 1847, a. 3 y. 9 m. GR2

Charlott A., d. E.G. and R.B., Apr. 21, 1847, a. 4 m. 16 d. GR6

William, June 26, 1847, a. 29 y. GR2


William, s. John and Ann (Hastings), May 21, 1717.


Samuel Sprague, s. Rev. Isaac and Mary, Mar. 7, 1809, a. 7 m. GR4

Isaac, Rev., Pastor, 3d Congl. Ch., Nov. 21, 1826, a. 65 y. GR4

Mary, wid. Rev. Isaac, Aug. 30, 1845, a. 80 y. GR4

TOMPSON (Thompson)

Edward, Dr., s. Rev. Edward, of Marshfield, Apr. 20, 1751, a. 54 y. GR1


Mary Ann, w. Daniel, Sept. 24, 1838, a. 37 y. GR8


Lydia, d. William and Sarah (Middleton), Sept. 10, 1770.

William, h. Sarah (Middleton), Feb. 7, 1771.

Sarah (Middleton), w. William [old age. CR1], Oct. 19, 1828. [a. 89 y. CR1]


Anna, Jan. 31, 1790.

TRUMBALL (Trumbull)

Mary, d. Judah and Greace (Foster), July 29, 1736.

TRUMBULL (Trumball)

Charles Wyer, s. John and Hannah, Mar. 16, 1810, a. 4 y. 6 m. GR1

Charles, s. John, quinsy, Mar. 29, 1819, a. 3 y. CR1


Maria Orne, w. Ichabod, at Salem, Dec. 14, 1806, a. 82 y. CR1

Johnson W., Oct. 1, 1835. [Oct. 4, a. 21 y. GR1]

_____, s. James and Mary E., b. Great Falls, infantile, June 3, 1849, a. 1 m. 7 d.


Abraham, s. Abraham and Hanah (Farnum), Sept. 2, 1654.

Hannah, d. Abraham and Hanah (Farnum), June 8, 1662.

Abraham, s. Abraham and Hanah (Farnum), Nov. 23, 1668.

Solindia, d. Jacob and Levina (Barker), Feb. 11, 1798.

Hannah, w. Thomas, Apr. 3, 1814.

Betsy (Kimball) [Elizabeth. CR1], w. Dudley [consumption. CR1], May 6, 1817. [a. 36 y. GR1]

Rufus L., s. Dudley and Betsey [consumption. CR1], June 11, 1817, a. 3 m. 5 d. GR1

John A., s. Dudley and Betsey, Apr. 17, 1819, a. 8 y. 3 m. 1 d. GR1

George, s. Dudley, drowning, May 1, 1819, a. 9 y. CR1

Otis, s. Job and Lucy (Meady), July 27, 1833. [a. 20 m. GR1]

Harriet (Butrick), w. Westley, Sept. 7, 1833. [a. 25 y. GR1]

Harriet, d. Wesley and Harriet, Feb. 11, 1834, a. 8 m. GR1

Job, intemperance, Sept. 1, 1846, a. 42 y. CR1